
PRP Before and After Hair Restoration Treatment Effects

Hair loss can affect your look and self-confidence, but it is a problem that you can control and treat in many ways. If you are finally ready to consider hair restoration options, one of the most effective treatments you can have is Hair Restoration with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). PRP treatments are a safe way to slow hair loss and regrow your hair. We will explain what PRP therapy is, how it works, the benefits you could experience over time, and the results of past cases.

It is understandable that you feel a little nervous, but PRP therapy to promote hair regrowth has produced positive results in the past, and you should consider giving it a try!

PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma Hair Treatment is carried out by separating concentrated plasma and nutrients from your blood after processing and then injecting it into the areas of your scalp that are most severely affected by hair loss. It is a minimally invasive, safe and cost-effective way than Hair Transplant to reverse the effects of hair fall and boost hair growth.

The PRP Procedure

PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma.” The procedure consists of drawing your own blood, usually from your arm, spinning it down into three layers in a centrifuge, and injecting only the best plasma rich in platelets into your scalp through micro-needling. If you can get routine blood tests done by your doctor and you are immunized regularly, PRP treatment won’t be too different from what you are already used to.

How PRP Therapy Works

The platelet-rich plasma that is injected into your scalp works to heal affected areas and stimulate reparative cells through the use of growth factors. Growth factors promote the formation of substances like collagen, which is also used in anti-aging serums. This, in turn, will likely show signs of the regrow of your hair. It’s an all-natural formula, so you don’t have to worry about harsh chemicals.

How does PRP Hair Restoration work?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, has many direct, positive effects on hair growth and is an ideal treatment for those who desire a natural and safe hair restoration solution. PRP contains several natural growth factors which can help give patients a healthier scalp and hairs. For example, PRP includes:

Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)

This compound facilitates skin and blood vessel growth and cell replication

  • Transforming Growth-Factor-Beta (TGF-b)- This compound aids the growth of the matrix between cells
  • Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) — supports the formation of blood vessels
  • Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) —stimulates cell growth, the formation of blood vessels formation and collagen production
  • Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2) — supports specialized cell and blood vessel formation
  • Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) — helps regulate healthy and normal cell physiology
  • When introduced into the tissues of the scalp, the growth factors listed above can have a material impact on the health and regeneration of the stem cells of the hair follicle, leading to the formation of healthier follicles and hairs and an overall improved hairline, naturally.
Before your PRP treatment

Our Hair Care Expert Dr. Raj Kirit always invites his patients for at least two consultations before any procedure to make sure everything is clear. The targets are agreed in writing and patients are fully aware of the possible risks and complications associated with PRP.

During your consultation, you will:

  • Be able to discuss your circumstances
  • Undergo a health evaluation to define the cause of the hair loss and work with you to develop a treatment plan
  • Discuss the options that are open to you, including costs and timescales

The PRP procedure

  • PRP is prepared from an extract of your own blood.
  • PRP treatment will commonly last between 30 minutes and 60 minutes
  • To do this, 30 – 60 ml of blood is drawn from your arm
  • The blood is then placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins and separates the platelets from the rest of the blood components
  • 3 – 6 ml of platelet-rich plasma will then be extracted
  • The concentrated and growth factor-concentrated platelets are injected into the scalp via micro injections
After your PRP procedure

There is no downtime for PRP so you can immediately return to your normal daily routine. It is recommended that strenuous activity and alcohol consumption be avoided for 24 hours post-procedure.

The results of PRP can usually be seen between two to three months post-treatment. Depending on your type of hair loss, and the extent of the loss, PRP for hair restoration is usually recommended as a course of 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Then depending on your individual needs, a maintenance session once a year is usual.

The Benefits of PRP Therapy Over Time
  • Your hair may become thicker and denser in the problem areas being treated
  • The appearance of balding and thinning spots may be reversed
  • Your receding hairline may begin to grow back in
  • Your self-confidence will increase gradually as those problem areas may seem to disappear
  • Though this may all sound too good to be true, you had better start believing it! The results have indicated that PRP therapy could, in fact, achieve everything it states. Let’s go over some of those cases to ease your worries.
Who Does PRP Therapy Benefit the Most?

Although PRP for hair procedures can help a wide array of patients with different hair loss-related conditions, there are a few groups that have been more widely studied and have noticed the best and most effective results. These groups are the following:

  • Those suffering from androgenic alopecia. This condition is also known as male/female pattern baldness. Women can also experience hair loss and can be treated alongside men.
  • Those suffering from more recent hair loss. This is because the longer your condition persists, the less likely it is that treatment will work, though it may still produce some beneficial results.
Is Hair Restoration with PRP permanent?

A dermal filler procedure will include the following steps:Hair restoration with PRP is not a permanent solution to all forms of hair loss, but it is a long-lasting one. You can easily maintain your results with follow-ups once annually after your initial treatments. All patients are unique, however, so you may need more treatments to maintain your ideal level of rejuvenation. Consult with Our Best hair restoration specialist Dr. Raj Kirit at the Celestee Skin Laser and Hair Clinic, to plan the ideal hair care routine based on your needs.


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